Career Coaching


As a professionally-minded person, you put your all into work and love knowing that your efforts are both meaningful and appreciated.

But your current situation has you feeling frustrated and stuck.

Every day, you’re dealing with toxic work relationships, unrealistic expectations from management, and a severe lack of support.

It’s left you feeling undervalued and on the brink of burn out.

These days, you’re just working for the weekend and to keep a pay check rolling in.

You feel sure there’s got to be something better out there.

And you know you’ve got more to give.

But you’re not sure how to get off the work treadmill to change your situation and start shaping a career that has purpose and meaning.

Why choose career coaching?

There is unprecedented transformation in the World of Work.

Pause for a second. You may not realise it but you are now right in the middle of one of the biggest transformations ever seen in the World of Work.

Expertise, status, authority and qualifications (unless it’s a ticket of entry to your profession) count for little. The notion of a job and career for life is long gone. The new job and career horizon is three to five years.

Different ways of being are demanded.  The ability to learn, adapt and collaborate are now assumed skills. The capacity to be nimble, agile, flexible, and to know yourself,  your capabilities and your value, are key.

Survival, feeling secure and ultimately thriving with these new work realities, seems to come down to finding your “tribe”.  That is, organisations, workplaces, teams and individuals who share a commonality of purpose and values with you.

Notably, we’re also in a period of flux outside of working life.  While the disruptions from the COVID pandemic may seem to be behind us, we’re now confronted by rising inflation and intensifying cost of living pressures. The R-word (recession) is gaining prominence in economic commentary.

I can help you to future-proof your career, shift work cultures or reinvent yourself completely.

Perhaps you’d like to join the 66% of Australian employees who are Career Cushioning?

That is, taking actions to future-proof your career should you want to (or be forced to) leave your current role.

  • Are you up to date with wider economic trends and developments in your industry?
  • Are you plugged into your network? (Is your network worth plugging into!)
  • Are you monitoring the job market?
  • Are you updating and/or improving your competencies?
  • Do you have a plan B, such as a “side hustle”?
  • Are you working with a “Trusted” advisor to guide, challenge and motivate you?


Or you’re one of the 44% of Australian employees who want their next role to be in another organisation?

35% of those dislike their current role, 33% cite poor company culture and 32% dislike their boss. If any of these resonate with you, what’s holding you back?

  • Are you experiencing job angst and frustrated because you don’t know what other careers/jobs to pursue?
  • Are you struggling with job search – applying for positions but getting nowhere?
  • Does your professional brand need some polish?
  • Do you need help putting your best foot forward – including your resume, your online presence and your interview skills?
  • Are you having difficulties standing out from the crowd?
  • Are you struggling with self motivation?
  • Are you ambitious and wanting to increase the chances of success?


Maybe you’ve joined the 20% of Australian employees with an ‘older’1 worker status, who are keen to re-engage with work and/or work in a different way? 

Since the start of the pandemic older workers have sought to rejoin the workforce in unprecedented numbers.

  • Are you able to take advantage of the emerging flexible working options now available?
  • Are you concerned that your age is a limitation rather than an asset?
  • Are you at the back end of your career and have you found that your working life ended before you were ready?
  • Are your computer/IT skills at a sufficient level to take advantage of the trend towards automatic digital assistants which take away more complex computer tasks?
  • Do you have a business idea or would you like to have the flexibility of self-employment but are not sure how to start or whether it will work?

Whether you want to create a “Career Cushion” to buffer yourself against the looming economic slowdown, move to a workplace setting with a positive culture, or chart a new personal course, we can offer a career coaching package to suit your needs.

NEED HELP with your resume and/or social media presence?

We encourage people to prepare their own resume and online profiles, however, if you don’t have the time or desire we can assist. Email us what you have, including links to your LinkedIn profile.

Need a Hand? – Email us what you have (including links to your LinkedIn profile)

Send us an email



Cushion your career with your own personal career plan.


  • FIVE one-on-one coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
  • Birkman Signature Assessment and Report
  • Reference material including templates

At the end you will:

  • Be clear on your direction
  • Have identified your core strengths and defining professional achievements
  • Know how to produce a resume and supporting documentation (which will place you in the top 5% of applicants and almost guarantee an interview)
  • Be able to create a professional on-line presence which motivates decision makers to want to meet you
  • Have up to 50% more opportunities available to you by knowing how to network well
  • Have the peace of mind that comes with knowing how the job market really works and the knowledge that landing that desired role is almost assured
  • Understand the real purpose of an interview (which removes an enormous potential source of stress)

Ready for a “Career Uplift”?



State of Australia’s Skills (2021)  Now and Into The Future- Australian Government National Skills Commission
Sadler, D. (2023) Older Australians Returning To Workforce (online).  ASC Information
Talent Insights Report, – Employment Hero
1. An older worker or employee is considered to be anyone 55 years and over


Pieces of Gold a collection of “wisdoms” to help navigate lives complexities and uncertainties COMING SOON.